
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

The book is a diary of a really sensitive and socially (A little) anxious teenage boy who makes friendship with his seniors and (to his surprise) is not only accepted and loved by them but also receives beautiful life lessons and advice from them as their friendship progresses.

To be honest I have such mixed feelings about this book. I 'liked' this book but I can't say if I 'lovedddd it!!'. I don't know if it was that good. Meaning on some days I loved reading it and on some days I was bored. There are various reasons I was unable to relate with this book. The one main reason being that I did not grew up in an american high school in the 90's. So I honestly don't know what it is like 'making a mix tape' and 'listening to beatles' and 'driving a pickup' and 'smoking pot'.

But yes this book should be read by every grown up who once was a very awkward & sensitive teenager.

The boy who writes this diary is named Charlie.

My guesses are he is sufferring from autism but I was annoyed by the fact that what really did affected this charlie boy was never cleared in the book.


So do I want to watch the movie? NO.

Would I recommend it to teenagers? YES (Particularly to boys and yes grown up MEN too!)

For every wallflowers out there I recommend 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower'

Movie Trailer:

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