To be honest I have such mixed feelings about this book. I 'liked' this book but I can't say if I 'lovedddd it!!'. I don't know if it was that good. Meaning on some days I loved reading it and on some days I was bored. There are various reasons I was unable to relate with this book. The one main reason being that I did not grew up in an american high school in the 90's. So I honestly don't know what it is like 'making a mix tape' and 'listening to beatles' and 'driving a pickup' and 'smoking pot'.
But yes this book should be read by every grown up who once was a very awkward & sensitive teenager.
The boy who writes this diary is named Charlie.
My guesses are he is sufferring from autism but I was annoyed by the fact that what really did affected this charlie boy was never cleared in the book.